A group of nuns are fighting to stop a nightclub introducing strippers opposite their convent.
The sisters have warned that the 'immoral' entertainment could lead youths into temptation.
They said teenagers had already started to take an interest in advertisements for 'exotic dancing' and 'striptease to music' nights.
The Society of St Margaret nuns in Uckfield, East Sussex, are leading a revolt alongside 50 residents.
They fear the Broadway nightclub could circumvent tough new licensing laws designed to crack down on lapdancing venues.
Under the rules to come in this year, nightclubs and bars that apply to run striptease events on just 11 nights a year will avoid new regulations.
Sister Shirley Jepson said: 'Can we suppose the "dancing", entertainment and films are going to be morris men and Julie Andrews?'
Richard Calderbank, manager director of Ambassador Leisure Services, said the club was 'well run'.